Sunday, November 20, 2016

How To Roughly Outline Your Fanfic

       Have you ever wondered why your fanfiction was a little bit all over the place? Yeah, there's a reason. I'll say that much. Do you want to why your fic is all over the place? Well, probably because it is. Chances are, your plot actually doesn't make sense. Chances are, it's actually fine. You probably just need to understand your plot better. Maybe you need a visual representation of your plotline.
       This is called outlining. When we outline a novel, we create a drawing of how we think the plot needs to be. Outlining is very helpful for people who need visual representations of what they are doing. Does this sound like you? Well, you should stick around! Welcome to today's lesson, class! We are going to learn the basics of outlining your fanfiction, that way you can use this method. Hopefully this will be helpful to you.

What Do I Need?

       A notebook and a pencil. Mind blown. Simple.

       On a more serious note, you will need actually need those two things. However, if you wish for a colorful picture, you might need a bit more. Depending on how fancy you want the finished product to look, you may want some crayons, colored pencil, etc. Obviously, the prettier you want to make this thing, the longer it will take and the more you will.
       But basically, you just need a thing to write with and a thing to write on.

Ok, But How Do I Do This?

       Easy. First make a small circle in the middle of your page. In here, write your very basic and rough idea. Something simple. We'll start with a simple example as well. Y/N in love with Ciel. Okay, we have something. It's basic, and we still need more ideas. So, ask yourself, what would you want to read? Now, off of that first bubble, make about six lines with more bubbles attached. These will be where new ideas, sprout, let's say.
       In those bubbles, come up with more rough ideas. I'll think of six rough ideas. SebastionXCielXReader love triangle. Okay, we have a reverse harem. What about Sebastian wants to murder Y/N because she likes Ciel? Alright, that's two ideas. Why don't we have Alois in that triangle, too? Okay, three ideas. Next, let's make sure SebaCiel almost becomes a thing and breaks Y/N's heart. Also, let's make sure someone important dies. Great, five ideas. Lastly, why don't we have a sequel?
       Okay, you're smart, you have ideas. Now, cross out the two ideas you hate most. I don't want a sequel, and I don't want Alois involved. Now, with the remaining bubbles, sprout out two more lines with bubbles for each. Go ahead and fill those bubbles. Once you're done, you now have a web. But, this isn't the actual outline, sorry. The real outline will be a lot easier though, because you have the plot literally in front of your face.
       Alright, let's get to the good stuff!

       Okay, first, flip to a clean page. Now, look at your web. I want you to figure out the order of how you want everything to happen. Just jot that down on that free page. This will give you the basic layout of your little summary. You got that? Great! Perfect!
       Now, we need to flip to another clean page. This is the page with the real outline, the one that you'll use. Now, all you do is keep in mind what you previously did. Now, you're going to make what is almost a summary. Just write down everything that happens in the proper order. Make sure you be detailed, and yes, spoil the ending. If you never came up for an idea with the ending, leave that out. I normally let my endings create themselves anyways, which is totally acceptable. I'm sure Cin could agree. Now that you've created your detailed summary, you can decorate the page and stuff. This is the part where you color and add fun little things to the page. You can draw bunnies, make little swirls, or just leave it the way it is. How visually attractive it is will just depend on how you decorate it, but that isn't important. It's just a matter of how you wish for things to appear.
       Alright, well, you are pretty much finished. For real, it's that easy.

That's it for this post!

       Thanks for reading, guys! I really hope that while you laughed, this was actually both helpful and educational. If you really liked this post, by sticking around this blog you can see a lot more like it. To get notified of when this blog is updated, just click the home button. To the right there's a blue "Follow" button. Click it! Now not only will your name show up as an enrolled student in FFU, but you'll also get these notifications.
       Alright, enough with marketing the blog. If you suffered this deep in, I'm sure you already followed with the two other people that stuck through. But really though, I believe in you. If you put your mind to it, you can write anything you want. Don't doubt yourself, it's really possible. No lie.

Yay! You did it!


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