Friday, November 25, 2016

How To Create Good Character Descriptions

       What does Y/N look like? How silly of you to ask that, author! You're supposed to tell me. But it's an inserted character, I don't need to describe her. But what about Alex? You made him yourself didn't you? Well, yeah... Exactly. So, you need to be able to let the reader know what their best friend looks like.
       Alright, they'll use a mirror. Of course, because when I wake up I look into the mirror and speak out loud about how I look. I God awful hope you don't! Then why is your character doing that? Uhh, because it's easier. It makes me have less work. You need help, Author-chan. Let me help you.
       Did you like my little skit? Yeah, it took forever so appreciate it. Anyways, today we will be discussing how to describe our characters. It's very hard to describe a character without using the mirror trope, but it can be done. Liar. Of course not! It can be done! Today, class, I will be proving it possible to describe a character in multiple ways without a mirror. There are many ways to make the mirror trope work, but you can mess it up in every way possible.
       Alright class, let's get to work!

Describing Your Characters By Comparison

       One easy way to describe a character in first person is by comparing them to another character. Have you ever walked past that girl with the long, blonde hair and thought something like, "My stupid brown hair could never compare to that masterpiece!". Well, at least I do, anyways. My point is simple. You can utilize this natural reaction and describe your character by using this natural reaction.
       Next time your OC walks past Lucy, let her complain about how her black hair is ugly. Make her mad! Get her jealous, get her angry! Let her think things about her looks. For example, here's my own little snippet of what could potentially work in a good fanfiction.

       "I walked past Lucy. Her golden hair slammed into my face. As I continued to walk, I brushed it away. Although, I just couldn't clear the thought of her. It annoyed me, seeing her so perfectly. She's amazing. I want that blonde hair, why was I stuck with black hair? Those eyes, man, those eyes! They blend in so well. I wish my blue eyes could do that, they stick out like a sore thumb."

       That worked pretty well, didn't it? My OC had a natural reaction, and everything flowed together. So, moral of the story is to not be afraid of comparing characters. Don't go overboard with it, though. As long as you don't overdo the comparing and what-not, it will all be okay. Remember that. When you talk about your characters, you don't always need to make them seem as if they are on top of the world, or super confident. Just have them point out something small.

Making Others Point Things Out

       Don't know what to do? How about we have another character point out something? Well, it works. Has your crazy aunt ever pointed out how much you've grown? Has Mom ever complained about how you'd outgrow her? Well, this can happen in fanfiction and virtually any story as well. Whenever Y/N's boyfriend compliments her eyes, this can easily work to your own advantage.
       By slowly sprinkling things that others point out along your fanfic, you can easily give readers a perfect description of your character. This works very well with OCs. So remember, when push comes to shove, use your characters to your advantage. I would normally provide an example, but this is already explained well enough.
       Surely, you understand where I was going with this.

That's it for this post!

       Thanks for reading, guys! I really hope that while you laughed, this was actually both helpful and educational. If you really liked this post, by sticking around this blog you can see a lot more like it. To get notified of when this blog is updated, just click the home button. To the right there's a blue "Follow" button. Click it! Now not only will your name show up as an enrolled student in FFU, but you'll also get these notifications.
       Alright, enough with marketing the blog. If you suffered this deep in, I'm sure you already followed with the two other people that stuck through. But really though, I believe in you. If you put your mind to it, you can write anything you want. Don't doubt yourself, it's really possible. No lie.


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