Sunday, November 27, 2016

Don't Ask "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"

       Alright, so you're in a pickle. Everything in your fanfic is getting to be pretty simple, and nothing interesting is happening. So what do you do? Well, most people think to do what every blog has taught them. They ask themselves "What's the worst that can happen?". While this may work, normally, it destroys the whole novel.
       What!? Ella, stop lying!
       I'm honestly being truthful. This very question will either make or break your writing. Most often, it metals with the plotline and leaves you more confused than you were before. However, you should still ask the deadly question. Except, there are a few important follow-up questions that almost everyone is too lazy to tell you. Trust me, this secret will make you the greatest fanfiction author ever
       So please, keep on reading and stay with me. Today, class, we're learning the secret to deepening your plot without destroying it. Today we're learning a special, custom-created method by me, Ms. Everett. You won't find a method this good anywhere else, so don't leave! This is the key to unlock all of your inner talent.

So, how is this question ruining my writing?

       Well, there are many ways that this question sabotages your work. There are so many ways that this can ruin your writing, so instead of listing them all, I'll explain how the process ruins your work by taking you through it.

       Okay, so you're plot is salty and you're currently cooking up a way to fix this. Your initial thought is, "What's the worst possible thing that can happen to Y/N?". The answer comes right to you. You decide to kill off Y/N's best friend. In this example, I will be using my fanfic The Anime World: Ultimate Crossover. So, we kill off Y/N's best friend, right? Well, in my story, Y/N has no memory and her only key to getting her memory was for her best friend to tell her everything about her. So anyways, now her best friend just got killed off in, let's say, the world of Death Note. Well, whenever Y/N transitions into the next anime world (you'd have to read my fic to understand what I'm talking about) she will no longer know the laws of the next world. Her main guidance is dead. Now you're really mad at yourself because you screwed up big time. It was all because of that simple question. Now the plot can't progress.

       Hopefully this was a fine representation of why you need to stop and really think. Hence the fact that I didn't think anything through, I just ruined a fanfiction that had something good going for it. Now, obviously, Y/N's friend is still alive and I never actually did this. However, I have ruined several fanfics because I was too stupid to think about what I was doing. So please, think. Don't just ask yourself this question and assume it'll fix all your problems, because if you do it the wrong way, it'll make your life worse. Boom. I can see the anger in your soul.

So, how can I redeem myself?

       Well, there is a number of ways in which you can utilize this question and make it work every time. I won't slave myself to the point in which I give you a flow chart of every possible way you can make this question work. Instead, I'll show you how I do it. Really, it's pretty simple.
       First, you need to do what I've been telling you not to this whole time. But trust me, we aren't nearly finished. There's more where this came from. So, do you know what the worst that could happen is? Good, you're one step closer to not failing! Now, the next step is important. Ask yourself, "How will doing this affect my story?" If say you make you destroy the idea of Victuuri (Victor X Yuri) too soon by creating a tragedy, it could very badly affect your fanfiction. Think about it. If someone dies, let's just say Yuri's mom for now, just go with it, this can badly affect the story. Yuri would take time off to mourn, while Victor would be mad that Yuri isn't practicing. This gives Yuri Plisetsky time to practice more than the other Yuri. Uh-oh! We didn't think of that, did we? Well, good thing this was just a representation of what could happen. So, have you thought of how doing this thing would interfere with the plot? Great! Now we know what's up.
       Now we need to figure out if this idea can still work of not. With what I came up with, no. So, if you're idea doesn't work, redo the first set of steps until a certain idea does work. Once you have an idea that does work, you're pretty much finished. It wan't too hard, now was it? Hopefully by now you understand what's up and why you shouldn't blindly ask a question and hope it solves all your problems. Well, you're done.

I knew you could do it!

That's it for this post!

       Thanks for reading, guys! I really hope that while you laughed, this was actually both helpful and educational. If you really liked this post, by sticking around this blog you can see a lot more like it. To get notified of when this blog is updated, just click the home button. To the right there's a blue "Follow" button. Click it! Now not only will your name show up as an enrolled student in FFU, but you'll also get these notifications.
       Alright, enough with marketing the blog. If you suffered this deep in, I'm sure you already followed with the two other people that stuck through. But really though, I believe in you. If you put your mind to it, you can write anything you want. Don't doubt yourself, it's really possible. No lie.

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