Friday, November 18, 2016

How To Torture Your Protagonist

       We all have that moment when we realize that we've fallen in love with our protagonist. We smile with happiness and think to ourselves that's they're basically real. Now, while this is good, it can  very easily lead to problems.
       Problems like what, Ella?
       Well, The problem of getting Nice Author Syndrome, or NAS. This is a very contagious virus that makes the author have mercy on their main characters. Authors with NAS often let their protagonists win every battle. Now, while protagonists definitely should win some things, they shouldn't always win. If we always have mercy on our protagonists, they'll never develop as characters. They'll stay static (no character growth) throughout the whole fanfic if they can take the easy way out of everything. So remember, always avoid Nice Author Syndrome.
       Now, of course, there are several treatments for this virus. It is definitely something you need to get rid of if you suffer from it, so this article should help. Today we'll be learning what we can do to get rid of NAS once and for all. So be sure to stick around for today's lesson! We're going to learn how to ruin your protagonist's life!

1. Ask Yourself, "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"

       I find this to be the most effective way to jack up your main character's life. Not only does this question need an answer for sure, but you can use this answer to your advantage. Let your imagination extend to insane limits where your mind soars across the skies. Think. Think, think, think. I want you to rack your brain until it hurts. Find out what the worst scenario is, and make it happen.
       Just remember, make sure you can dig your character out of the mess they're about to be in. Unless you purposely want your character to be killed off, there is no need to put your M.C. in a situation they can't get out of. Although, if you want them dead, be my guest.

2. Find Your Character's Weakness

       Whether this character is y/n or not, they still need a weakness. Even if your main character is the reader, they need some sort of soft spot. Now, what is this soft spot? Heart problems? A lack in magical powers? A loss of memory? I don't know, but you do. Keep this in mind.
       Now, how can you use this weakness to your own advantage? If your character is terrified of Celestia Ludenberg, then use that as a plot device. I know not everybody knows what DanganRonpa is, but this will be my example. If y/n is afraid of her and feels intimidated by her, maybe Celestia is plotting her demise. You could take this very thought and deepen it by quite a bit. You should. This will help you.

Right, Celestia?

3. Take Advantage Of The Situation

       This may seem obvious, but everyone ignores this one. At times, I ignore it too. But, that's alright. You'll be fine, and so will I. Now, back to what I was saying.
       So anyways, I want you to think of where your character is. A dungeon? Great, throw in some dragons and fantasy stuff and it's all good. Maybe she's at the supermarket, though. Well, Walmart in itself is a scary place. But, if we add in our antagonist (bad guy) at the same place at the same time, things could get ugly. A fight could break out in the middle of the store. Not only will this annoy or harm your main character, but this will pester the people of Walmart and all their glory as well. And, your characters will be allowed to have the fight because it's not like the Walmart manager cares. As long as his plumber crack stands out proud and true, he's ignorant and happy.
       But on a more serious note, do you see what I just did there? I took a simple Walmart visit and made it insanely interesting. If I can make Walmart interesting, your "omg one direction kidnapped me call me daddy" fanfiction just as interesting, I'm sure.

That's it for this post!

       Thanks for reading, guys! I really hope that while you laughed, this was actually both helpful and educational. If you really liked this post, by sticking around this blog you can see a lot more like it. To get notified of when this blog is updated, just click the home button. To the right there's a blue "Follow" button. Click it! Now not only will your name show up as an enrolled student in FFU, but you'll also get these notifications.
       Alright, enough with marketing the blog. If you suffered this deep in, I'm sure you already followed with the two other people that stuck through. But really though, I believe in you. If you put your mind to it, you can write anything you want. Don't doubt yourself, it's really possible. No lie.

Junko believes in you!

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