Sunday, November 27, 2016

Don't Ask "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"

       Alright, so you're in a pickle. Everything in your fanfic is getting to be pretty simple, and nothing interesting is happening. So what do you do? Well, most people think to do what every blog has taught them. They ask themselves "What's the worst that can happen?". While this may work, normally, it destroys the whole novel.
       What!? Ella, stop lying!
       I'm honestly being truthful. This very question will either make or break your writing. Most often, it metals with the plotline and leaves you more confused than you were before. However, you should still ask the deadly question. Except, there are a few important follow-up questions that almost everyone is too lazy to tell you. Trust me, this secret will make you the greatest fanfiction author ever
       So please, keep on reading and stay with me. Today, class, we're learning the secret to deepening your plot without destroying it. Today we're learning a special, custom-created method by me, Ms. Everett. You won't find a method this good anywhere else, so don't leave! This is the key to unlock all of your inner talent.

Friday, November 25, 2016

How To Create Good Character Descriptions

       What does Y/N look like? How silly of you to ask that, author! You're supposed to tell me. But it's an inserted character, I don't need to describe her. But what about Alex? You made him yourself didn't you? Well, yeah... Exactly. So, you need to be able to let the reader know what their best friend looks like.
       Alright, they'll use a mirror. Of course, because when I wake up I look into the mirror and speak out loud about how I look. I God awful hope you don't! Then why is your character doing that? Uhh, because it's easier. It makes me have less work. You need help, Author-chan. Let me help you.
       Did you like my little skit? Yeah, it took forever so appreciate it. Anyways, today we will be discussing how to describe our characters. It's very hard to describe a character without using the mirror trope, but it can be done. Liar. Of course not! It can be done! Today, class, I will be proving it possible to describe a character in multiple ways without a mirror. There are many ways to make the mirror trope work, but you can mess it up in every way possible.
       Alright class, let's get to work!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

How To Roughly Outline Your Fanfic

       Have you ever wondered why your fanfiction was a little bit all over the place? Yeah, there's a reason. I'll say that much. Do you want to why your fic is all over the place? Well, probably because it is. Chances are, your plot actually doesn't make sense. Chances are, it's actually fine. You probably just need to understand your plot better. Maybe you need a visual representation of your plotline.
       This is called outlining. When we outline a novel, we create a drawing of how we think the plot needs to be. Outlining is very helpful for people who need visual representations of what they are doing. Does this sound like you? Well, you should stick around! Welcome to today's lesson, class! We are going to learn the basics of outlining your fanfiction, that way you can use this method. Hopefully this will be helpful to you.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

How To Make Readers Emotional

       Alright, let's get real for a minute. We've all been working on that insanely important chapter for a while, right? But, you know, something isn't feeling right. You're trying to make people upset, but for some unknown reason, everything feels flat. Nothing is pulling at your strings, nothing is in the mood you want it to be. The protagonist is crying, a main character is dying, but for some reason you aren't as upset as your readers. You just feel neutral, as if none of this concerns you. Somebody's dying!? Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm not feeling it today. I'll let this slip, and I'll fix it later of whatever.
       Umm, what? What do you mean, wrong? Well, it's plain and simple. If you aren't emotional, what makes you think readers will be? Chances are, if you aren't upset, neither are your readers. If you're heartless and could care less anyways, still beware. For real, you aren't Superman. You can't magically make your readers cry. So, how do you make a reader cry?
       Well, today that's what we'll be learning. In this lesson, we're going to make tears fall. People will punch walls with anger, jump for joy, bite their fingers off in tension, and more! Stick around for a multi-step lesson on how to evoke emotion in your readers. Remember, they need to cry. You hate those people, make them sad. Make that hater who hasn't been voting cry! Make them pay!

Friday, November 18, 2016

How To Torture Your Protagonist

       We all have that moment when we realize that we've fallen in love with our protagonist. We smile with happiness and think to ourselves that's they're basically real. Now, while this is good, it can  very easily lead to problems.
       Problems like what, Ella?
       Well, The problem of getting Nice Author Syndrome, or NAS. This is a very contagious virus that makes the author have mercy on their main characters. Authors with NAS often let their protagonists win every battle. Now, while protagonists definitely should win some things, they shouldn't always win. If we always have mercy on our protagonists, they'll never develop as characters. They'll stay static (no character growth) throughout the whole fanfic if they can take the easy way out of everything. So remember, always avoid Nice Author Syndrome.
       Now, of course, there are several treatments for this virus. It is definitely something you need to get rid of if you suffer from it, so this article should help. Today we'll be learning what we can do to get rid of NAS once and for all. So be sure to stick around for today's lesson! We're going to learn how to ruin your protagonist's life!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Antagonist Isn't A Person!? What Now?

       We've all had that one time. That one time something isn't right about our stories, and we don't know what. But then, we figure it out. I have no antagonist! Don't fret, that probably isn't the case. Chances are, your antagonist is just not a person. But it's okay, you still have an antagonist.
       But Ms. Everett, how do I work with a bad guy who isn't even a guy?! Calm your titties. Sensei is here. Welcome to today's lesson class! You're going to learn the art of using the Main Character's environment to craft a memorable antagonist. And yes, it is more than okay to not use a person as you antagonist.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Is Your Fanfiction Idea Cliché?

       Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if your fanfiction may have been created before? It's alright, we all have. Surely, you've wondered what has and hasn't been used. That's okay, because today's post will be covering what is and is not acceptable in the world of cliché fanfiction.
       Stay tuned as you receive a full lesson on what is original, and what isn't. You will also be receiving pointers on how to stay original.